It does exist in the second form, but only as an unintentional 3D audiovisual overlay that is based on its output from the game's original 2D game logic that runs underneath. The game you are actually playing. Your intricate, 3D avatar reaches out to hit the monster that is next to her but it's the pixels beneath (or more precisely, the math that run beneath them) that decide whether or if the strike connects D2R Items.
It's a fascinating approach which produces a truly authentic recreation. The artistic merit is an aspect that is truly amazing. It amazes me that the artists working with clean modern rendering and lightingtechniques, have managed to recreate the gritty, grimy in a sombre, ethereal atmosphere of original pixel art, where grisly details appear briefly amid the gloom.
It's rare to rely on a single attack in most situations and optimising your character's design and gear around it. As you are surrounded by a plethora of creatures, you blast away with ferocity blasting potions, ensuring your health and mana during tougher fights.
(Console and gamepad play allow the player to assign a variety of skills to the face buttons, Diablo 3-style that can help you increase the range of your combat abilities and ease the way you play. I recommend giving it a attempt, but wouldn't say it change-making. )The action is still intense in its intensity and resilient in its bite.
This is no Warcraft 3: Reforged - it's been completely rebuilt CG cut-scenes Remastered audio, cross-progression from formats, the works.But I'm curious if it's gotten that old.
Diablo 3 was widely criticised as not being Diablo 2, and indeed it's not. It's fluid and elastic combat that emphasizes awareness of the situation as well as a range of skills. Its character building allows you to play around and be yourself.
Rather than having you go online to help you build an optimal build for the fear of getting something wrong and ruin your character for an additional dozen hours. There's even some wry self-awareness to Diablo's insanity and style of buy d2r items.