The second season of 5 & Ladder. Runewords are unique sequences of runes that have the ability to be inserted into normal quality socketed chest armor, helms, shields, and weapons. Runes are small D2R Best Melee Builds that have special abilities and can be found on the ground.(And before you ask, this was a list of the top 10 things, but now there are 13). Make sure you take a look at these guides to get recommendations on the best classes, the best uses for mercenaries, and the best base items! This guide focuses on Runewords that can be obtained early in the game and have readily available Runes, as well as gear that can be farmed as a character levels up.

Equipment with Sockets That Is Required for Runewords
A quick review of the Runeword regulations that pertain to socketed equipment:
Sockets are only able to be placed on Chest Armor, Helms, Shields, and the majority of Weapons (but not Thrown or Javelins).
Restrictions Placed on Runewords Regarding Weapons
Runewords can be found in the Weapons category, which has 49 of the total 83 available. However, there is a possibility that the class described in the tooltip does not correspond to the required type of weapon for the Runeword. It is imperative that you pay close attention to the type of weapon you possess as well as the particular weapon requirements that are specified for the Runeword, as this information is explained in greater detail in the Runeword guide. There are certain Runewords that can only be used in Scepters and not Maces, or vice versa. Maces cannot use certain Scepter Runewords.
Because none of the 10 runewords have a cLvl higher than 30, this indicates that they make use of runes that are less difficult to locate and that drop more frequently. This does not mean that the D2R 2.5 Sunder Grand Charms Guide become useless once the character reaches level 30; in fact, some of these Runewords are powerful enough to work even at the highest levels, as long as the item level of the base gear remains the same. This not only makes it much simpler to find runes, but it also makes it possible to rework lower-level runewords into versions with higher levels at a later time. You can acquire the runes needed to craft the vast majority of these runewords through standard farming methods or by farming Countess on the Nightmare difficulty level.
The availability of the Good Socketed Item is as follows:This ties in with the length of the runeword; runewords that are longer may make it more difficult to locate the required socketed item. There is a direct correlation between an item's item level and the required character level for it to generate a certain number of sockets, and it is not easy to come across Diablo 2 Resurrected Sunder Charms that have the maximum number of sockets before reaching the Hell levels. This is due to the fact that armor Runewords don't really come into their own until after level 40; prior to that, there just aren't that many good options. Poison resist can be useful against early bosses such as Andariel, but it is not the best choice among the available resists. At lower levels, she is a complete and utter murderer.
Top Helm Leveling Runewords
There are only three runewords for helms that are lower level than 30, and this is the only one that deserves consideration. Keep one for the record even if you don't plan on using it for very long.
Top Runewords for Increasing Your Shield Level Ancient's Pledge (Shield): Everybody
If you are a class that uses shields, you should save your runes for this one instance, as it is the only one in which the runes are literally given to you. After completing the Act V quest "Rescue on Mount Arreat," you will be rewarded with these three runes as a token of appreciation for your efforts. In conjunction with an increase of 25% to all resistances, this creates a shield that can be remade at a later time to take advantage of its other properties. It is a great filler for the Cannot Be Frozen property until you get the Unique ring Raven Frost, which is always included in end-game character builds for that property. You can get Raven Frost by completing the end-game quest. This is due to the fact that it requires the use of four runes, and shields other than Paladin Shields do not have access to four sockets until Hell level.
The Best Runewords for Leveling Your Weapons
Steel (Axe, Mace, Sword): Melee
Although there isn't as large of a selection to choose from, all of these weapons are simple to acquire in the early game. This is also the Runeword with the lowest required cLvl of any Runeword in the game, which makes it an excellent early Runeword that is simple to construct. It has a great deal of versatility as well as longevity, at least in terms of the number of alternative uses that can be found for it.
Users of the Zephyr (Missile Weapon) are classified as Ranged Weapon Users. The overall stats increase damage extraordinarily for such a low-level Runeword, and it is not all that difficult to locate a two-socket Bow around this level. Patch 2 is the only platform on which the pattern can be accessed. Nevertheless, it is an incredible asset, particularly for Martial Arts builds thanks to the additional Block chance it provides on weapons. The Edge bow is not only a fantastic weapon for Bowazons, but it is also one of only two D2R area immunities in the game that, when equipped, causes a reduction in the prices of D2R Ladder Season sold by vendors. Furthermore, you can acquire it as early as level 25. The Edge bow must be equipped in order for it to function (it cannot simply be in inventory), but the price reduction will take effect immediately. If you only want to make one, however, make sure not to give it the appearance of an Amazon bow; otherwise, none of your other characters will be able to use it when they gamble. This is the Sword runeword, which utilizes the same runes but has different effects than the Spirit runeword. In Nightmare and Hell difficulties, this particular Runeword is frequently remade a great number of times; in fact, it is sometimes remade more than once in order to obtain the maximum 35% Cast Rate.
Combat Effectiveness (Multiple Weapons): Melee This two-rune weapon has a lot going for it, one of the main benefits being that it can be equipped on a wide variety of different weapons. The availability of two-socketed weapons can be a little more limited, but this item is an excellent choice for DPS Druids, Barbarians, and Paladins, especially due to the Life Steal and Crushing Blow properties that it possesses. Despite this, the damage modifier isn't particularly high, so you should make sure that you equip this into the item that deals the most damage you can find. Because this is almost always made as a Mercenary weapon, any character who is having issues with their mana will find this to be appealing. Your mana regeneration can increase by up to 700% thanks to the Meditation aura; the exact amount is determined by how well the Meditation aura level rolls.